The shopping spree can begin. The 2008 economic stimulus check the US Treasury is sending out to citizens arrived in the mail this morning. After deducting the fee it will cost to cash it here plus the exchange rate, there won't be too much left over for luxuries. Perhaps a few good books can now be ordered or a few magazine subscriptions paid for. Just how to go about aiding the US economy here is the tricky part. Perhaps scouring through supermarkets looking for US products might serve the purpose.
Nice populist touch sending citizens money just like that. Of course, if one took the whole sum sent out and decided to do something for the common good, like rebuilding bridges and roads, investing in research and education, providing some sort of health care for all citizens, the money would have been far better spent. Instead each individual gets to pay off debts or at most use it for energy costs. Nothing solved and next to nothing gained.