American Views Abroad

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The long shot candidate, the one who appealed to all citizens and who took all states, not just swing or larger ones seriously, has captured the nomination. It's good someone coming up and out of nowhere-- as far as the political or media landscape is concerned-- gets the prize. The last month spent in a hospital and rehab center and out of touch with the internet, international newspapers and surrounded by other people's illnesses and stories provided a down-to-earth reality check. It was good to have a respite from relentless headlines focusing only on the item of the day, a political horserace. Interestingly too was how being the only American around, others were very careful about not bringing up politics or the war. There seemed to be an unwritten law that separates US policies from individual citizens, particularly if that citizen can converse in their language and present the appearance of adapting to another society. Yet one remains the American or an American, no doubt about it. Somehow part of them, somehow distinct and different.

If nothing else, hospital stays provide ample time to envelope oneself in a few good books. Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson showed how one individual can indeed get out and change the world. His mission of providing schools for girls in faraway places that became pivotal after 9/11 when according to his experiences US officials in various departments in Washington hardly had a clue what was going on in such remote places. This was followed by three very New York novels: The Sorrows of an American by Siri Hustvedt grapples with the past of main character's boyhood times and his father's experience in WW II and the present day in NYC and was at times almost magical in its themes; The Emperor's Children by Claire Messud which gave a social portrayal of pre- 9/11 days in the city and Falling Man by Don DeLillo which is relentless in recalling the days and emotions immediately following that day. It was the most difficult one to read.

There was of course the drama of listening to other people's problems getting over illness and struggling to come to term with life in general. It was also a vast relief knowing health insurance does what it is supposed to do, covering everything required without demanding large sums to be paid out of pocket.

Gloria, I'm glad you're back. I have had blog fatigue the past weeks and have read and posted very little anywhere. I saw this amazing headline this morning at buzzflash: "The imprint of Barack Obama: The DNC will no longer accept contributions from federal lobbyists or take contributions from PACs"
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