American Views Abroad

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A first hand report from an American friend in Munich:

Obama's Fireside Chat Abroad - Con Call with U. S. citizens around the world

Barack Obama's con call to thousands of Americans abroad yesterday was an idea as fresh and innovative as Roosevelt's famous fireside chats. He spoke about the issues that particularly touch those living far away, but without in any way minimizing the weight of the issues at home in the United States. For old folks it brought back memories of how families used to sit around the radio at night to listen to the news together. This call touched a nerve in the emotions of Americans everywhere and will go down in history as a landmark when the global community came together at 16:15 Central European time on February 11, 2008 to listen to a man who might become the next President of the United States.

This is not a political endorsement, but an objective observation about a very unique way to personally reach citizens outside the country.

Marina in Munich

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