American Views Abroad

Sunday, July 16, 2006
Via, a site which closely follows the security and administration of the US electoral process, truthout reports on the 'growing national outcry in calling for a swift and verifiable manual count of all 150,000 ballots cast in California's 50th District's bellwether June 6th special election.' According to the DNC's Voting Rights Institute Statement:

This is no longer about whether or not Busby (D) or Bilbray (R) won the election on June 6th. This is about the importance of verifying the facts related to election and voting machine irregularities in this race and the need to ensure an accurate count of all votes cast in this election so that the electorate may have confidence in the announced results in future

Further: In the race 'held to replace jailed Republican Congressman Cunningham, Bilbray declared himself the winner on election night, and was sworn into office several days later, before all votes had been counted, and nearly three weeks prior to the election being certified by either state or county officials.'

Very interesting is the fact that CNN 's Lou Dobbs, Court TV's Catherine Crier and Bilbray supporter and San Diego radio personality Rodger Hedgecock have been amongst the mainstream media figures to report on the debacle, decrying the security breaches in the election.'

The Brad Blog which has been reporting on this election since June 6th 'first revealed that the programmed, election-ready Diebold optical-scan and touch-screen voting systems used in the race were inappropriately sent home with poll workers before the election. The security breaches that occurred during those so-called sleepovers were in violation of new state and federal rules, laws and provisions issued in the last few months after recent discoveries confirmed dozens of extreme security flaws in the Diebold voting systems, confirming them to be exceptionally vulnerable to tampering.'

The entire three page article can be read at

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