American Views Abroad

Monday, June 19, 2006
It is vital and essential that every US citizen registers and votes in the upcoming US General Election on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. Those of us living abroad often encounter extra hurdles when trying to register and depending on your state, it is important to start early on. We have set up a link to the Overseas Vote Foundation at our sidebar under Important Links.
Go to where RAVA, a wizard tool, will help you complete your official voter registration 'FPCA' form to vote from abroad.

Recently I met the voting officer for the US General Consulate here in Hamburg. She told me that thus far only two citizens have called for voting information. She recalled how just before the November 2004 election very many citizens came to the Consulate wanting to cast their ballots ---- some of them, unfortunately, had missed the deadline to register in their states. Many of us automatically receive our forms from our states. My two adult children and I received our registration forms from New York City in April. However, if you have never voted before or have tried only to find the process frustrating, start today. The address you use is the last place you lived in the US before moving abroad.

Vote because a citizen's responsibility knows no borders.

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