American Views Abroad

Sunday, March 19, 2006
An English language blog on the French protests is at Up-to-date reports at It writes: 'In any case, it was as successful a day across France as it was in Nice with between 500,000 and 1,500,000 demonstrating. It is patently obvious that the French do not agree with their government and they are showing it.'

An eyewitness report by an American in Paris: We were only a small group of Americans protesting the third anniversary of the war in Iraq because of the huge French demonstrations. A grand total of 9 persons linked up with a French anti-war group. Two were dressed as Grantanamo prisoners which attracted attention. The French leader reminded everyone via loudspeaker that here were Americans demonstrating the third anniversary of the war. The cheers were spiritied enough to encourage us to carry on. Throughout people walked up to take our leaflets and to chat. Effectively we were able to remind 800,000 of the war in Iraq and how it must be opposed and stopped. More importantly, we communicated with less politicized people who were strolling through to watch the demonstrations. When we went there, we were prepared to be drowned out and maybe humiliated. But just the opposite happened. There were few of us, but it was certainly better than nothing.

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