American Views Abroad

Monday, March 13, 2006
According to Stars and Stripes Sheehan's absence and rainy weather dilute Ramstein protest. It claims only about 30 protesters marched with crosses and rainbow peace flags. The event's counter protest drew about 15.

Keeping an ear to the ground through reports in daily papers gives the bigger picture of how people feel about the war in Iraq. Today's IHT reports Bush's approval rating of 34% in February in a CBS poll and quotes a leading Republican pollster:

'Roughly one out of three people say that the country is on the wrong track, and the reason they give is the Iraq war. How will that situation be changed unless Iraq is resolved in the next few months?'

Before the war in Iraq started three years ago, millions upon millions of citizens around the world spent a Saturday on their feet distinctly, loudly, clearly saying no to the horror of war, in particular this preventive war. It's a chorus waiting in the wings.

Is This War Worth the Price? by Sally Kalson tells the story of the American group No More Victims who in this one case is trying to help a 7-year-old Iraqi boy get reconstructive facial surgery in Pittsburgh. She writes:

'...... bomb dropped on a child does the same damage accidentally as it does on purpose, and that, by definition, hundreds of bombs dropped on hundreds of villages have created countless Abdul Hakims already and are going to keep creating more. .....The question for the American public is how much more hell we are willing to inflict in the name of this particular war.'

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