American Views Abroad

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The protests taking place down in Crawford, Texas are beginning to touch buried nerves that once exposed are awfully painful to treat, like in root canal work. In America's Good Germans? -- A Mercenary Society, Robert Jensen discusses this:

'Can we in the United States come to terms with the fact that we are the 'good Germans' of our era, routinely allowing pseudo-patriotic loyalties to override moral decision-making?'
He begins by asking if the failed war in Iraq will push the US public 'to fundamentally rethink the role of force in US foreign policy....(and) whether this questioning can mature and deepen.'

Boston Globe columnist Derrick Z. Jackson in Guzzle Gas, and Pretend writes in today's paper:

'We have allowed a president to send off the sons and daughters of the working class and the poor to invade Iraq, killing thousands of innocent Iraqi working class and poor along the way. As each day passes, the fact that no Osama has been flushed out, the fact that no weapons of mass destruction have been found, and the fact that there was never a tie between Saddam Hussein and 9/11 becomes not just Bush's responsibility but ours as well. Americans probably know this deep down. It is almost as if we are binging to distract us from the needless killing. We build bigger subdivisions as far out as we can, no matter what it means in commuting time and $2.55 gasoline.' Editorial/Op-Ed

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