American Views Abroad

Thursday, July 21, 2005
Tapped to be the new U.S. Ambassador to Germany is William Robert Timken, Jr. former head of the Timken Company from 1962 - 2003 and according to two news sources he was a member of Diebold's Board of Directors since 1986 and stepped down from that position on June 30, 2005. Diebold Election Systems based in Ohio sells touch-screen voting machines not designed to produce a paper trail. In a Mother Jones Magazine on-line article from March 5, 2004 the importance of Ohio in the November 2004 election and the possibility of it being flawed and/or rigged are discussed. It points out that one of two companies selling such voting machines in Ohio is Diebold and it describes W.R.Timken as a Republican loyalist and a major contributor to GOP candidates. 'Since 1991 the Timken Company and members of the Timken family have contributed more than a million dollars to the Republican Party...' FinanzNachrichten also reported Timken retiring from Diebold's Board at The article can be found under 'suchen'.

The Hamburger Abendblatt informs its readers today that Timken has no diplomatic experience and does not speak any German. He had, however, contributed $200,000 to Bush's campaign. The articles explains how rewarding big-time political contributors has a long standing tradition in the U.S. dating back to Andrew Jackson in 1829. It concludes with a quote from Georgetown Professor Robert Lieber on how every third U.S. diplomat has no professional experience.

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