American Views Abroad

Monday, November 01, 2004
Registered overseas voters can access an online ballot and mailing envelop if your ballot is late.

Online ballot:

Mailing instructions and envelope:

Addressing: click on State, then Where to Send

This ballot is the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot, which is the ballot to use if you registered on time, but you haven't received your state ballot yet. If your state ballot arrives late, fill it out and send it too. It will replace the first one you sent off. The Federal Write-In Ballot is counted if the state ballot is not received by the local election district.

Your vote counts - after you vote, tell us:

Report voting irregularities:

My sincerest apologies for not posting this information when it was sent to me on October 26. My computer broke down and thus my email could not be accessed till today. Good luck to all those still trying to cast their votes.

I went through the last two links, reporting that I had voted and also the problems I had registering in the first place, including the sudden spam mails I received after registering. Most of all it's a good feeling to know I can receive a confirmation that my vote counted.
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