American Views Abroad

Sunday, November 14, 2004
How Many More Iraqis Must Die for Our Revenge? by Andrew Greeley, priest, author and sociologist, can be read at Father Greeley, whose current research focuses on the sociology of religion, writes:

'I don't judge the conscience of anyone, leader or follower. I am merely saying that there is objective sin in the Iraq war, and our country as a country is guilty of sin. I'll leave it to God to judge the guilt, because that's God's job. I also leave it to God to judge whether there ought to be punishment for that sin. However, I think Americans ---- so serenely confident that the Lord is on our side ---- should live in fear and trembling about punishment.'

Further on he adds: .....'a country is responsible for the deaths it causes because of an unjust war, even if the deaths are numerically small compared to deaths from another war. An unjust war is an unjust war and the death of innocents is the death of innocents.'

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