American Views Abroad

Friday, August 10, 2007
A tornado has hit the area of Brooklyn where childhood memories are imbeded. The old neighborhood with its under the highway playground and smooth roller skating surface was literally torn apart by a category 2 tornado --- in the heart of Brooklyn. According to newspaper reports there hasn't been a tornado in Brooklyn since 1880. No, the reports indicated that since 1880 no one could remember one hitting that area. Southeast Asia, as usual, has been hit hard by rains and flooding. Southern Germany and Switzerland have had a tremendous amount of rainfall in this same week with flooding and high waters on the Rhine. New York friends were in visiting Hamburg and after weeks of torrential downfalls we were giddy to experience four days of gorgeous weather. Pristine blue sky after all those bleak water-logged Sundays. There is a tongue-in-cheek report on the strange state of the climate in
post-Gore America from a series in the Neue Zuericher Zeitung translated into English by signandsight at

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