American Views Abroad

Friday, July 27, 2007
In The Lives of Others Ulrich Muehe, who died of cancer this week at 54, gave a brilliant performance as the Stasi officer who ended up betraying the system of East Germany to protect an artist. His portrayal was so moving because, as he himself said, he produced it from memory. He not only grew up in the system, but became ill through it as a member of the border police on the other side of the Berlin Wall and also as an actor in one of its great theatres. He knew 'the art of poetical, ambiguous 'mouthing off' to which the audience listened keenly for the slightest allusion critical to the system...' long before the Wall fell.
Ulrich Muehe -- Relentless in acting and anger at

Rent an American - US students are having a hard time in Germany as they find themselves having to justify Washington policy from day to day. A new pilot project in German schools is meant to help Americans deal with the endless drill at,1518,496731,00.html

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