American Views Abroad

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Join Cindy Sheehan help set up Camp Casey Landstuhl/Ramstein Germany on March 11 and 12. Just Say NO---Where Resistance Counts.

Sheehan will hold a press conference in Frankfurt and take part in a panel discussion in Aachen on March 9. The following day there will be the mayor's reception and a press conference in Aachen. On Monday, March 15 Sheehan will be in Paris. On March 14 she will be present at a hearing in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and on the 15 in Berlin.

Information in English and German including contact persons under Important Links -- Sidebar left on this page.

Postscript: You may also download the information (in English and German) directly at these links:

Cindy Sheehan is coming to Europe! (rtf file)
Cindy Sheehan kommt nach Deutschland! (rtf file)

I think Cindy Sheenhan is stupid and has no clue what is going on in the world, her eyes are CLOSED shut and she sees what she wants. I don't think she knows that the world over in the middleeast is f*#ked up. She says "peace end the war" do you really think its going to do anything? NO its not. You have these people beliving that if they kill harmless people or anyone that does not belive in their religion, they will go to heaven and get 99 virgins or they will become a profit or some stupid thing like that. Come on that is f#*king stupid! and the scary thing is that more than 10 million people over there and around the world belive this and they are armed and trained to kill. Then you have Cindy Sheenhan with her peacefull group oh save the world and peace and love, well thats a dream that will never come true ever! These people and their terrorists groups are not going anyware for a lomg time and they are just going to multiply and train and get bigger and bigger and bigger. Soon they will be in your backyard and they won't care about your peace and love protests or that you want peace because they want death. War is the only way to stop this and because we have waited so long it is out of control and its going to take even longer to stop this religion. Come on all those peace protesters and people that think the war is wrong and we should stop, what do you want, leave them alone and just let them kill, rape, torture and degrade anyoneone they want? The terrorists in iran, iraq, siria, lebbanon and around the world are saying "KILL ANYONE THAT DOES NOT BELIVE IN WHAT WE BELIVE, AND WE WILL GO TO HEAVEN AND BECOME A PROFIT AND BE HAPPY FOR EVER" Think about it and read the last phrase a few times, it just dosn't make any sense, at all. It sounds stupid.

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