I haven't posted since around the election and I apologize for that, since it is my desire to help out here from time to time. That general feeling of hopelessness that permeated the post election situation grabbed me as it has so many others. I want to know that I am doing something effective in voicing my opinions, but it all begins to seem like "Beschaeftigungstherapie", what the German language calls occupational therapy. But I feel that I am slowly finding my voice again and although I still don't know the answer of what is the best thing to do in the current situation, where everything I hold dear about my country and its ideals seems in the process of systematically being ripped to shreds, I know I can't resign myself to it happening. I think sometimes of the exiled German authors of the 1930's who published in the Netherlands after it became impossible for them to live and work in Germany. What did they achieve? I'm afraid it wasn't much. As an answer to his exile, Kurt Tucholsky gave up writing and eventually committed suicide. (No, I am not contemplating suicide!).
Anyhow, I would like to share a link with you I read yesterday at the Democracy Now Website, found through Buzzflash. I'm afraid it is neither encouraging nor positive, but it perhaps shows what we are up against, and maybe why can't resign ourselves to giving up:
Seymour Hersh: "We've Been Taken Over by a Cult