American Views Abroad

Thursday, January 27, 2005
The Senate will be voting on Alberto Gonzales' confirmation as Attorney General next week. During the Judiciary Committee hearing, Gonzales' responses to questions about the actuality of torture were evasive, full of 'I don't remember' in regard to a very important and unprecedented memo on torture he gave the President . He explicitly repeated the Bush Administration's assertion that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to people the Administration labels 'enemy combatants.' Nor was he willing to repudiate the definition of torture contained in the memo, a definition so extreme that it permits most forms of torture.

NOW is the time to act if you don't support Gonzales for Attorney General. Call the two senators from your state and urge them to vote no on his nomination. If you don't have phone numbers for them, call +202-224-3121 and ask for their offices. Be sure to get your message to the staff person who is handling the confirmation issue.

Peace Action:
Center for Consitutional Rights:
Human Rights First:

This week's Harper's online Weekly Review ( reports that three quarters of respondents to a poll in France and Germany and 64 percent of Britons felt that U.S. actions would have a negative impact on the world, and for the first time it appeared that an international dislike of Bush is metamorphosing into a dislike of Americans in general.

A Newsweek International report claims 'the anti-Bushism of the president's first term is giving way to a more general anti-Americanism.' Further on it states 'the truth is Americans are living in a dream world. Not only do others not share it's self-regard, they no longer aspire to emulate the country's social and economic achievements.'

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