American Views Abroad

Monday, November 22, 2004
The big news in Germany this morning is the demonstration in Cologne yesterday (Sunday), by mostly Moslem / Turkish participants, against terrorism and Islamic extremism. An English language account of the event may be found at the Deutsche Welle's Website.

It's a story worth repeating so I'll repeat the various headlines, as retrieved this morning from the Internet editions of the papers in question, along with a translation:

Hamburger Abendblatt: Nein zum Hass - Moslems zeigen Flagge (No to Hate - Moslems show their Colors)

Hamburger Morgenpost: 20 000 Menschen bei Islam-Demo (20,000 People at Islam Demo)

Bild Zeitung: Gegen Islamisten - 20000 Türken bei Demo Köln (Against Islamists, 20,000 Turks at Colgne Demo)

Tageszeitung (TAZ): Demonstrative Toleranz (Demonstrative Tolerance)

Die Welt: "Wir sind gegen Terror" ("We are Against Terror")

Die Sueddeutsche: 25.000 Menschen demonstrieren gegen den Terror (25,000 People Demonstrate againt Terror)

Kölnische Rundschau: Zeichen gegen den Terror (Signal Against Terror)

Express (Cologne): 20.000 marschierten gegen den Terror "Islam heisst Frieden" Diese Demo setzt Zeichen (20,000 March Against Terror "Islam stands for Peace" This Demo Sets a Signal)

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Grossdemonstration in Köln (Mass Demonstration in Cologne)

Frankfurter Allgemeine: Demonstration in Köln "Bitte lernt Deutsch!" (Demonstration in Cologne "Please Learn German!" - quoting Bavaria's Interior Minister who spoke at the demonstration). An additional article with the headline: Muslime in Deutschland Streit über Demonstration gegen Terror (Moslems in Germany: Fight over Anti-Terror Demonstration") reports how the Milli Görüs (IGMG), the second largest Islamic organization in Germany, did not officially participate in the demonstration.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine news report goes on to say: "Man kann vermuten, dass der von der Türkei angestrebte Beitritt zur Europäischen Union ein Motiv der Ditib ist, diese Demonstration als Ausdruck des guten Willens der meisten Muslime zu organisieren - oder sogar, dass die Aufforderung dazu direkt aus Ankara kommt." (My translation: One can assume that the Turkish desire to join the European Union is a motive of the Ditib [the Islamic Turkish Union] in organizing this demonstration as an expression of the good will of most Moslems - or even that the order came directly from Ankara). Note: The Frankfurter Allgemeine is a conservative newspaper.

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