Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported on the Aguayo court-martial on the bottom of page one this morning. He was convicted of deserting and received a sentence of 8 months and a dishonorable discharge. Hamburg radio news reported on the possibly of him receiving seven years yesterday. Stars and Stripes article on the trail can be read at
The trial and conviction of Libby, Cheney's right hand man, was the one grabbing attention in the IHT today. The cover-up of lies plus the appalling conditions at Walter Reed and other veterans' hospitals leaves one numb. Sueddeutsche Zeitung first page also reported on the 110 pilgrims killed in a suicide bombing and at least 200 wounded near Hilla in Iraq. On and on it goes with no end in sight.
Amnesty International which sent an observer to Aguayo's court-martial has now declared Aguayo to be a 'prisoner of conscience' and calls for his immediate and unconditional release in a press release. 'Refusing military service for reasons of conscience isn't a luxury -- it's a right protected under international human rights law, ' said Larry Cox, executive director of Amnesty International, USA. 'Agustin Aguayo wasn't just complaining about his assignment --- he clearly made the case that he objects to war itself. He should be released.'