American Views Abroad

Thursday, February 01, 2007
One of America's most liberal, progressive and honest writers, Molly Ivins died after a long bout with breast cancer. Her voice will be sorely missed. John Nichols writes in Remembering Molly Ivins:

The warmest-hearted populist ever to pick up a pen with the purpose of calling the rabble to the battlements, Ivins understood that change came only when some citizen in some off-the-map town passed a petition, called a Congressman or cast an angry vote to throw the bums out. ....For the people in the places where no one famous ever came, Molly Ivins arrived a couple of times a week in the form of columns that told the local rabble-rousers that they were the true patriots, that they damn well better keep pitching fits about the war and the Patriot Act and economic inequality, and that they should never apologize for defending 'those highest and best American ideas' contained in the Bill of Rights.

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