American Views Abroad

Saturday, October 14, 2006
From The Wretched Years by William Rivers Pitt:

What will history have to say about these times? History, it has often been said, is written by the victors, but who really wins anything after all this? If the most delectable left-wing fanatasies come true -- the Democrats take Congress in November, Bush and his cronies are impeached by a fire-breathing Conyers Judiciary Committee -- little will be left to win. People will still be dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. New Orleans will still be destroyed. The environment will still be poisoned. Laws that all but eviscerate the Bill of Rights will still be on the books. The same unimaginably wealthy industrialists will still have the same clout. The news media will still be controlled by people whose interests lie far afield from telling us the truth. Much of this can be undone or contained, to be sure, except for all the death.

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