In Grantanamo, I did see some people for whom jihad is life itself, people whose minds are distorted by extremism and whose souls are full of hatred. But the huge majority of the faces I remember -- the ones that haunt my nights -- are of desperation, suffering, incomprehension turned into silent madness. ......there is no evidence that most of the 465 or so men there have committed hostile acts against the United States or its allies. .....There is unlimited cruelty in a system that seems to be unable to free the innocent and unable to punish the guilty.
Mourad Benchellali: The Torture of Detainees in Despair at
Hunger strikes, restraint chairs, forced feedings, beatings, sexual humiliation, sensory bombardment and deprivation, and three Grantanamo detainees commit suicide. And the U.S. accuses them of not playing fair. .....All this adds yet another nail into the quaint coffin of the Geneva Convention, therein residing the decaying honor of the United States of America.
James Ryan: Guantanamo: The Subject was Linens at