American Views Abroad

Saturday, October 29, 2005
The headlines are dramatic about Cheney's top aid being charged with perjury, making false statements and obstructing justice. All this is extremely important, but, meanwhile, the rest of the world and political twists and turns in Congress are still out there. No time to get lulled into just being a spectator in a long drawn-out trial that might reveal more than we can handle. There are so many layers of lies, false information and turns of events that have wrecked havoc on too many people. Take the argument going on in Washington now on torture. That's right:
torture. John McCain has added an anti-torture amendment that Cheney wants watered down. It is a struggle we should all be up-in-arms about. For complete information go to and scroll down on the right to Write a Letter: Torture Permissions to be Slipped into Law? It's essential to write all your representatives in Congress that the McCain amendment not be altered during conference committee.

We hear almost daily about suicide bombers killing themselves, very many innocent civilians and even worse, children. What do we know about them and their reasons? Der Spiegel brought out The Cyber Cemetery of the Mujahedeen on its English site yesterday Spiegel has taken online obituaries of four suicide bombers in Iraq and translated them into English. It admits that 'not all the details are verifiable and the obituaries were put together with the goal of aggrandizing the terrorists' deeds and encouraging others to follow in their footsteps......Still these records give an unfiltered account of the religious attitudes and personal experiences of the insurgents and provide the outside world a view of the mujahedeen's daily life.' It points out that creating a written record of the lives and deaths of fighters has a tradition that was followed in the war in Afghanistan in the 1980's. Considering the fact the US went into a war of choice in a part of the world it knows next to nothing about, these translations give us a bit of insight.

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