Dispiriting and depressing viewing the scenes coming across the TV screen of the chaos in Texas. The Hamburg newspaper Abendblatt reports today that 120,000 Euro has been collected for the victims of Katrina in its Hilfe fuer Freunde -- Help Friends call to action. According to its report 100% of the money will be used to help the community of Waveland which is 55 kilometers east of New Orleans and was completely destroyed by the hurricane. Next week the money will be transferred to the US organization Adventist Community Team Service (ACTS). The money contributed by about 2000 citizens of Hamburg will be used for tents and food. The article in German at
A thank you from the heart letter to the people of Hamburg by the US Consul General Duane Butcher in German is at
A thoughtful article on the role of government in helping its citizens in times of disaster and the role of the larger charities is at
Ted Rall cautions 'It's time to 'starve the beast': private charities used by the government to justify the abdication of its duties to its citizens.'