Save Our Soldiers under Important Links on this page takes up the case of U.S. soldier Agustin Aguayo who is currently based in Germany and recently served a year in Iraq as an army medic. Aguayo is seeking a conscientious objection discharge from the U.S. Army but was refused despite support from his commanding officer. American Voices Abroad (AVA) is working to raise $12,000 for a legal defense fund on his behalf. Details in
Save Our Soldiers include how to donate in dollars, pound sterling or euros.
Aguayo's case was rejected and the period for appealing lapsed
before he was even informed his case had been declined. His wife, Helga Aguayo, contacted two expert U.S. lawyers specializing in conscientious objection. They claim Aguayo has excellent grounds for legal action and are willing to take the case for reduced fees.
What is needed are 480 people willing to give $25 each. Please make a donation and pass this on to friends and colleagues. Any excess money will go into a general legal defense fund to help other soldiers in similar circumstances. Complete details on how to donate can be found on page four of
Save Our Soldiers.