American Views Abroad

Monday, February 28, 2005
When you live abroad, you have to adjust to changes and perceptions on just about everything. How different societies approach money, work and leisure time, what government is supposed to be there for, the idea that every one should have an equal chance of surviving illness irregardless of how much it costs are some examples. When you are an American, you are also confronted with myths or ideas about the US, whether correct or not. Truth is the longer you live abroad, the more difficult it gets to grasp all the real changes taking place there. A three part series in the Los Angeles Times on If America Is Richer, What Are Its Families So Much Less Secure is essential, sobering reading at It reports in detail on how economic risk has shifted from government and business to working families and how far safety nets have eroded or vanished. It's worth taking the time to read. (via

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