If we recognize the horror and the gravity of lying, we would persecute it with fire more justly than other crimes --- a quote by Montaigne and used by Jimmy Breslin in his column
A Key Question from a Slain G I's Mother on September 19th. Breslin:
The center of the election should be the dead of Iraq. This is something that Bush and his lackeys will do anything to dodge.
A close American friend here in Hamburg emailed today:
....Four more years of this insanity is just too devastating to even comtemplate...yet when I was in Florida and Kentucky last week, I noticed a total news blockage on the Iraq War.....believe me you (in the U.S.) are not seeing the pictures of the war that they bombard us with here in Old Europe. For good reason, because it is hard to stomach. I guess Fox and CNN have it all under control. Oh well....the lemmings seem to be following shrub over the cliff.
Thus this first hand report from a woman blogger in Baghdad. From